“Hello there, weary traveler. I see that you are very excited to enter the FACTS forest!

But hold your horses, unicorns, steampunk speeders or whatever transportation method you used to get here. First, I need to inform you of our magical barriers, built to keep the darkness out. Should be no issue for lively creatures like yourselves!

A word from the organisation

First of all, the FACTS organization would like to express their sympathy to the victims of Monday’s attacks. It’s moments like these that touch us in our very cores, but also unite us in humanity. 

We have been in contact with the authorities quickly after the incident, gathering information and instructions. We keep monitoring the situation 24/7.

In short: rest assured: FACTS is happening, but with a few extra security measures. From visitor to star, from employee to VIP, you will all get to enjoy your pop culture home away from home on October 21-22, in Flanders Expo Ghent in a safe way.

Those extra security measures influence our handling of weapons and bags:


You can still take your bags with you to FACTS, but they will have to be checked. So we ask you all to only bring one if necessary, keep them as compact as possible, and to open them spontaneously for security. This way, we keep the waiting lines smaller and the fun bigger.


All cosplay weapons (and items that could pass as such) will be checked extra carefully.

Further tips & tricks

Get in line early!

Because of the bag checks and general crowds, we advise everyone to come earlier than usual, to make sure that your event experience is as normal and unrestricted as possible. 

IKEA Gent on high alert

Our neighbour IKEA Gent has been on high alert since the attacks of Monday, so please be mindful – especially with cosplays – when you go there for some meatballs or other purposes.

Mindful with masks

Masks are still allowed in the venue, but please refrain from wearing face-covering masks outside. Besides: even without this situation, the Belgian law forbids it in public space, so be extra mindful.

If you have any questions, feel free to send us a mail via,
or to use the chat functions on our social media