FACTS is expanding with a new 18+ zone, adding another 200 m² of extra content. This zone will house everything that is only to be enjoyed by grown-ups.

Alcoholic beverages, horror booths, spicy art, 18+ gaming, adult cosplayers, and a few more elements that are better presented in a more ‘thoughtful way’.

We kid you not: it’ll be lots of blushy fun. Check the page below for more info!

  • No kids allowed: you have to be over 18 to enter. Your ID will be checked at the entrance.
  • This area will be completely separate from the rest of the event. You can only access it if you deliberately go there.
  • Please stay respectful at all times. The rules and Cosplay is not Consent guidelines of FACTS still apply!


Cocktail tasting

Our specialists serve a set of geeky alcoholic beverages for you to savour. Choose your favourite and ask for the recipe!

House of Lupin

These bondage specialists ‘teach you the ropes’ in informative workshops.

More coming soon!

18+ Exhibitors


Fantasy dildos


Hentai & adult manga


No, not at all. There will be all sorts of content catered to adults only. Horror images, activities with geeky alcoholic beverages, art displays, etc.

But yes, some of that content will definitely break through some people’s ‘Blush Barrier’.

The idea is to invite all booths that were previously being censored in the rest of the event and bring them to a specialised zone.

There will still be 18+ things in the rest of the event, here and there. So don’t worry: you can still get your horror and other fixes in the other halls, too, albeit less ‘in your face’.

Yes, you can! Please remember to stay respectful and to abide by the rules and guidelines of the event.

Got concerns or feedback?
Or would you like to join this area as an exhibitor / guest?
Get in contact with us!