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September 26, 2024

Belgian Actors panel: Tales of Local Heroes

Together, they have well over 100 years of experience in the Flemish acting scene, and they’re more than happy to share their stories. Pry for anecdotes, ask for acting tips, or just sit back and watch these local legends be as lovely as they can be. Either way, you’re in for a tasty Belgian treat. […]

The Daredevil’s Den: A Spectacular Stunt Show

Welcome to the Daredevil’s Den Ever wondered how much backstage stunting and grunting goes into an action movie? Stuntman Olivier Bisback (BE), special effects studio Movie FX (BE), and host/director Jan Verheyen (BE) grab your hand and help you leap into a fascinating foam pit of movie did-you-knows, live stunts, and death-defying techniques. If you’re […]