Win VIP tickets for FACTS with Marc de Bel’s ‘De Kriegels are back!’ contest

The Kriegel sisters by Marc de Bel are back, and they’re coming to FACTS!

In Marc de Bel’s latest children’s book, ‘The Kriegels are back’, we follow the three famous sisters from birth to adolescence, from primary to secondary school, from the village to the city. Their adventures in this book even take them to the superhero fair FACTS!

Marc de Bel will present his new novel about the mischievous sisters live at FACTS, in Flanders Expo Ghent, on Saturday 6 April. And you can be there, as a VIP guest!

How do I enter the contest?

Grab your camera

Make a video to show you’re a real Kriegel, alone or with family.
30 seconds max!

 Send in your video

You have until the 3rd of March, at 23.59h. On the 4th of March, you’ll be too late!

Win one of 4 VIP tickets

And a goodiebag given to you by father Kriegel., at FACTS.

Send in your video here

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