FACTS introduces: the Kid Cosplay Parades

Children deserve to feel like champions and FACTS is here to make it happen. Introducing the Kid Cosplay Parades, where the smallest fans can get the biggest applause! 

What is it and how do I join?

The Kid Cosplay Parade is a slot in the Cosplay Parades activity, but for children only. You get announced, you get up the catwalk, strike a pose and go off again. All in all, it’s 10 seconds of fame with fellow fans cheering you on.

There is no competition element, but it’s a magnificent confidence booster. Of course, mom or dad can join the little one if it’s too intimidating. No pressure here!

Register at the Cosplay Parade Catwalk (Hall 1)

If you want to join, all you need to do is to go to the catwalk in Hall 1, in front of the Cosplay Hall 5 to 10 minutes before the show starts. Ask the host to join and tell them what the cosplay is and how you want to be announced. Hours to be determined.


  • Saturday April 1 2023: Hours to be determined
  • Sunday April 2 2023: Hours to be determined


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