A guide to FACTS The Homeworld Edition: Changes and important measures


Due to the corona crisis, FACTS was forced to undergo all sorts of changes. Difficulties with activity organisation, more health and safety measures than ever before and many other concerns made it impossible to organise FACTS in the way you’re used to. But despite all of those obstacles, we have, together with national and local authorities and health experts, found a solution that will allow us to organise this special edition of FACTS. And that result is: The FACTS Homeworld Edition.

The FACTS Mothership remains anchored on its home planet, focusing on actors, artists, experts and other home-grown talents. They will be giving shows, Q&A and performances on four big stages throughout FACTS. These ‘inspirational sessions’ will of course be complemented by various fun and free activities and shows in various halls and a big Geek Market in the center. Keep an eye on our social media and this website for regular updates!

Join us for the FACTS Homeworld Edition,
an intergalactic staycation on October 24-25, in Flanders Expo Ghent!


The FACTS Mothership has the health of its passengers as the highest priority this year, so the crew is cooking up a strong decontamination protocol. Undressing and disinfecting with a fire hose won’t be necessary, but FACTS does have a lot of other measures to keep Facehuggers, Venom symbiotes and viruses at bay. Let it be clear: we are putting a maximum of corona measures in place so that everyone will be able to enjoy a fun and care-free visit.

We advise everyone to take a close look at the info page behind this button,
so that every participant is aware of the measures and many changes.

Check all corona safety measures


There are many more changes and health measures being taken at FACTS, to ensure a safe visit for everyone. For more interesting topics, questions and answers, check the Homeworld Edition FAQ section (see below).

Opening hours

The FACTS days will be divided in two time slots: 8:30h – 13:30h and 14:30h – 19:30h. Visitors now need to decide on a time slot and a time of arrival when buying a ticket.

Face Masks

It is mandatory to wear a face mask as soon as you enter FACTS. You can only take it off when eating or drinking.

Ticket types

VIP, Priority & Weekend tickets will no longer be sold, due to the mandatory choice in time slots. Only Standard & Cosplay tickets will be available for the Homeworld Edition. Tickets available soon.


Unfortunately, the current confirmed actor line-up for FACTS Fall 2020 has to be either cancelled or postponed to a future edition. International travel and pandemic evolution are very volatile factors in corona times, so much so that we cannot continue with FACTS as we originally envisioned it in April. 

There is of course the limitation and uncertainty of travel options nowadays, which makes cancellations super likely, but there are also more practical concerns. For example, people from certain locations are required to undergo a two week quarantine period before being allowed to do the FACTS show in the first place, and sometimes another quarantine period is required when they get back in their country, which is of course impossible. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Photoshoot tickets will need to be refunded. For these ticket types, you will receive an e-mail per ticket purchased. Keep an eye on your mailbox (and spam box!) for further instructions.

In short: there are too many uncertainties that make it impossible for big international guests to come to FACTS this edition. But we’re confident that we will find a good mix of local actors, celebrities, experts and other home-grown talents for the guest line-up and a good number of fun activities. Keep an eye on our website and social media for updates!

Tickets & Refunds

Everyone with a FACTS Spring 2020 ticket that decided not to refund the ticket and keep it for October 2020, will soon receive an e-mail per purchased ticket, with choices that are applicable for that specific ticket type. If they choose to keep it for October, 24-25 they will also have to choose a time slot and a time of arrival. There are different options for each ticket type, so please read the info in those mails and please keep an eye on your mailbox and spambox so that you can make your choices and necessary data known to us.

Haven’t got an entry ticket yet? Don’t worry, the ticket sales will start quite soon.

For additional questions, head to the Homeworld Edition FAQ page:

To the FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Can’t find your information in this article? Then head to the FAQ page for more detailed info.
If you have a question that still didn’t get answered, send us an e-mail through info@facts.be.

To the FAQ

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